Master of Chaos
This is not the shortest or easiest path; it is more gratifying to face difficult situations and barely succeed. Rather than minimizing risk, this solution includes as many interesting parts as possible, while avoiding sections that are blatantly harmful or provide no useful information. You may need high initial scores; this path assumes favorable dice rolls.
Acute Hearing, Animal Wisdom, Blindsight,
2 GP
1 Try to stop the Orc's brutal flogging St-3
62 He turns on you with a snarl St-3
375 You hear conversation from the deck above
334 The crewman curses the Dark Elf on board
172 Passively suffer the Second Mate's beating St-2
237 He lurches away to pick on someone else St-3
153 Attack a tentacle lunging at the Captain Ball and chain
299 Fight the TENTACLE 7/6 with ball and chain At-3
357 A lithe Dark Elf severs the tentacle
130 You gulp down some thick treacly grog St+4
215 Agree to the trusty slave's escape plan -Ball and chain
164 You see a sleeping crewman in the boat
368 You hit him hard to keep him unconscious
199 You row into Ashkyos and sell the boat 6 GP, 2 Provisions
229 Visit the warehouses
185 You stroll into the Warehouse district
23 Apprehend the young thief
218 You grasp for the boy but he escapes
387 Accept the merchant's job shifting cargo 4 GP
86 Stay in this district in the morning 4 GP St+4
279 Agree to be Vesper's look-out man [Vesper]
41 You keep watch and see some patrolmen St+2
291 You hide around the corner in the shadows
353 Talk further with Vesper in the morning Saffron [240 grams] St+4
111 Head for the markets to sell the saffron
240 Hang around in the Market district 15 GP, -saffron
116 You see an ugly man kicking a mongoose
17 The animal looks distinctly intelligent
144 It looks up pleadingly at you
249 Buy the mongoose
160 You follow behind the talking mongoose -3 GP, Jesper, Lu+1
Silver Whistle
181 Jesper is with you in the market stalls
323 Buy the two weird-looking eggs -2 GP
7 The eggs hatch and you sell the chicks 10 GP No+1
193 You set off for Entertainer's Square
53 Jesper is with you in the great open space
44 Tell Jesper he doesn't have to do tricks
282 Stay in this district 5 GP, -Jesper
2 You hear a conversation from two men [Kidnap at Kanstrin's]
96 Spend more time in Entertainer's Square
9 A roar goes up from a giant bull-ring
208 Challenge the Half-Ogre to combat
49 Defeat the GLADIATOR 9/14 Sword, leather armor, shield
389 You will be the talk of the town 12 GP, St+4 No+2
-sword, -leather armor, -shield
229 Visit the shops
384 Try Ali Haji-Sheikh's Weapons Store
91 Pay for useful supplies, do more shopping -15 GP, backpack, No+2
waterskin, sword, leather armor, shield
384 Visit Bokhannon's Stables and Travel Shop
150 Buy passage on a riverboat to Rahasta -10 GP, ticket [243]
229 Visit the docks
5 The docks are teeming with diversity
104 Ignore the robed figure and continue
70 Fight the sadistic Captain
93 Attack parakeet then CAPTAIN SHAGROT 9/11 St-4
278 You stroll away to somewhere safer Magic scimitar At+ Lu+1 No+2
229 Visit the infamous Old Quarter
26 The Old Quarter is a morass of degeneracy
337 Try to stop the runaway mule
74 The cussed-looking animal careers about
165 You deftly grab the mule around the neck
288 You render it docile with a few words
8 The grateful merchant rewards you 4 GP
394 Pay a visit to Kanstrin's Guursh Bar
64 Bribe your way in past the huge bouncer
259 Pay the bribe to get inside
344 The ugly brute gives you a nasty smile -2 GP
148 Leave and check the back of the building
317 Run upstairs to attack the shadowy figure
169 You see some caltrops on the stairs
374 You leap over them and attack
234 Fight the FOOTPAD 8/7 At+
118 Do as the nervous man tells you
43 You recognize the Dark Elf's face
100 You search the body of the footpad
325 Talk with the Dark Elf 4 GP
21 Head for Stavian's Gambling Hall Potion of Healing, Bronze Bracelet,
[kill Vardrath]
311 Head for the bar and order some food
239 The gambling catches your eye -1 GP St+4
188 Gamble with the men
397 Try your luck gambling with the Gnomes GP
61 Agree to help the Gnomes at the cemetery 2 GP
273 Enter the tomb with them
231 Get the dead body out of the coffin Iron bar
75 You heave the body and ascend the stairs -Iron bar
135 A pale figure stretches out a hand to you
214 Attack the Necromancer as he walks away 5 GP
194 Battle Vardrath the NECROMANCER 9/13 At+
342 He is not able to cast a spell
123 You have slain this vile servant of Evil
179 It's time to find somewhere safe to sleep Iron Key
27 Pay one Gold Piece for bed and breakfast
220 You sleep comfortably and eat a fair meal -1 GP St+4
229 You are ready to leave the city
243 You blow the Silver Whistle
40 Your friend comes scampering towards you
366 Jesper is bright-eyed and frisky Jesper
73 You do not have to leave immediately
66 Do some last-minute shopping
384 Revisit Ali Haji-Sheikh's Weapons Store
91 Sell extra items, do more shopping 3 GP, -sword
384 Try the food shops
33 Continue your shopping elsewhere -GP, Provisions
384 Visit Sukifiri's Magic Shop
275 Buy the Luck Ring
207 It can be used just once -6 GP, Luck Ring
275 Buy the Ring of Endurance
340 It helps resist extreme cold and heat -7 GP, Ring of Endurance
275 Continue the journey ahead No+1
388 You have a riverboat ticket
331 You board the Smeraglion out of Ashkyos -Ticket, -2 Provisions
25 A shape slithers in your cabin as you rest
221 Jesper's ferocious snarl wakes you
151 He thrashes the River Python about
254 A huge bolt narrowly misses you -2 Provisions
307 It streaks past into a hapless passenger
358 Go straight for Captain Grotniss
81 Defeat the PIRATE CAPTAIN 8/9 At+
201 By nightfall you are in Rahasta 15 GP St+
364 Go past the half-human locals to a tavern
272 A cloaked figure moves to sit with you -1 GP St+1
257 You must sleep now St+4
166 Jesper leads you to a local family
301 Buy some food in the morning St+4
54 Leave for Kabesh -GP, Provisions
114 You stride through the blasted Dead Lands
327 The robed nomads offer you shelter -4 Provisions
319 Their leader wishes to speak with you
131 Baalberith explains and Jesper perks up [Sphere of Hazdur Sk x St]
263 You slip away to the tent set up for you -Jesper, 10 Provisions
399 You eat breakfast in the morning St+4
4 Visit the ruined houses
155 Enter the building and investigate -1 Provision
30 Talk with the tall man holding a warhammer
383 Kanestin is here to find a magical tome
84 Promise him help in finding the book
338 Head for the Mausoleum straight away
109 Destroy both SKELETONS 6/5 6/6 together Lantern At+ St-2
333 You begin a search of the Mausoleum
396 Take the book with you and go elsewhere 5 GP, 330 Incantations of Ssassuzlit
4 Visit the ruined Senate House
42 Go straight into the arched entrance
106 Descend the stairs leading down
85 Your light reveals a ten-legged creature
71 Stay and fight the huge scorpion
97 Kill the venomous MUTANT SCORPION 7/8 At+
236 You can make out a small wooden casket
359* Give the golden ball to Baalberith Sphere of Hazdur
56 You stay with the nomads and rest -Sphere of Hazdur, St+4 Lu+1
6 Provisions, Potion of Stamina
4 Visit the warehouses in the morning
146 You manage to react just in time and jump -1 Provision
391 A sharp-spined tentacle flails at you
264 Fight the CHAOS MUTANT 7/8 At+
182 Search the large building thoroughly
378 You find a trapdoor in the floor
24 One of the packing cases falls on you St-3
290 Descend the steps to the Chaos Pits
173 Step around the ledge to the right
117 Attack the guard turned away from you
248 Snatch the strange helm from his head
127 You manage to grab the helm and throw it St-
286 Double back towards the door opposite you Moon Sword At+1 Lu+2
82 Enter the yeasty room and eat some sludge
339 Head for the metal portcullis 2 Provisions St+6
352 You are certain the Iron Key will open it
103 Hold your Moon Sword ready
280 Deadly snakes rain from overhead
140 Fight the venomous SNAKE SWARM 6/7 At+1
228 A mutant horror slavers for your flesh
296 Battle the ZOALINTH 9/14 At+1
309 It gives a sickening gargle as you kill it
382 Sit down by the Master of Chaos
209 Grab the mage's strange ring St+4
274 You snatch the ring and he screams in fury
105 Put the ring on your own hand
241 The dark mage prepares to cast a spell Ring of Skill At+2
163 You run into a barrier of sharp bones St-4
316 You avoid a writhing ball of tentacles Lu-1
204 You close with the sword-wielding wizard
289 Fight SHANZIKUUL 11/16 At+3
306 His amulet glimmers and he disappears
3* Quickly leaf through a magical book
110 You gibber out a Spell of Fortifying St+10 Lu+2
68 He reappears and you continue your fight
289 Battle SHANZIKUUL 11/ to the death At+3
349 An event of unutterable horror takes place
267 Drink a potion and use the Luck ring -Potion of Stamina St+ Lu+
216 Defeat Naas the DARK ELF 10/13 At+3
400 The wizards hold a feast in your honor Staff of Power, amulet