Dead of Night

This is not the shortest or easiest path; it is more gratifying to face difficult situations and barely succeed. Rather than minimizing risk, this solution includes as many interesting parts as possible, while avoiding sections that are blatantly harmful or provide no useful information. You may need high initial scores; this path assumes favorable dice rolls.
						Nightbane, hooded robes,
						Godsfire, backpack, 5 Provisions
						10 GP, Silver Cross, Holy Water x3,
						Banish Undead, Holy Circle, Speak Demon
  1  Follow the road under the hanging skeleton
107  Ignore its laughing and race onwards
126  You carry on to your village of Crowford
 51  Go to the tavern to look for your parents
166  Listen to the argument from outside
289  Visit the priest after the tavern
378  Talk to your old friend Darrow
244  Visit the village priest now
353  Open your parents' grave
 85  Invoke Banish Undead on the creatures	Spade
 31  The Blight Demons recoil from your power	-Spade
277  You must look for your parents elsewhere	Map, [captives cave 150]
148  Head to Sharleena in the Horned Hills
 61  Ask to be present at the summoning
214  You are conversant with the Demon tongue
241  Myurr's tower is in the Cragrock Peaks
161  Draw a protective circle around yourself
190  Flee the burning cottage
 81  You promise to make Myurr pay
142  Stop and see what the peasants are up to
  4  Stay to help them with the tragic ceremony
134  Think of another way to defeat the Vampire
103  A peasant drives a stake into his heart				Lu+1
303  Continue on your quest to Weddonbridge
249* You know of a nearby cave to look for
150  You creep forward to a flying skull
281  Crimson beams shoot harmlessly overhead				Lu-1
121  Hold your ground against the dark device
208  Your blade cleaves the levitating skull				St- Lu-
371  You are bathed in a peculiar glow		Meditation
 58  Dismount at the monument and offer prayers
306  Use Meditation in unison with your gods
 25  You find a secret compartment		Holy Amulet
105  Move towards the large stone building	-Godsfire
312  The enraged villagers slay the Demon				Lu-1
159  They drag its scaly carcass from your back
338  Help the villagers survive until morning
286  Seal the trapdoor with the Holy Amulet
359  Fight the MOON DEMON 7/6			-Holy Amulet
212  Cram the villagers into your Holy Circle
110  The Demons are engulfed in blue flames
230  You travel north in search of your parents				Lu+1
351  Wait for the sound of flapping wings	-1 Provision
140  Attack the cloudy winged shape		[Magrand]
175  You fall through a weak barn roof					Lu-1
 57  You make your way to the marshland village
153  Ask a farmhand where you can find Magrand
382  Wait for the angry villagers to catch you
 60  Persuade the enraged mob by talking
361  You prove you are not a follower of Evil
321  Volunteer to help the people of Colton				St+4
335  Use Banish Undead on the Zombies
 87  Their corpses gurgle into the marsh
196  Look for another way into the mill tower
349  You climb the pile of bricks to the hole				Lu-1
 28  Listen to the foul tongue of your nemesis
235  Surprise the Necromancer MAGRAND 6/6	[Beyond the pane]
293  The villagers cheer their liberator	5 GP, Potion of Destiny
 11  Use Meditation at the old broken shrine
 32  Take the road to Stanford						St+2
391  Stop and investigate the guttural chanting
198  You must stop the Rite of Reanimation
104  Smite the MOON DEMON MAGE 6/9
268  Attack the body of Magrand with your sword				St-2
 65  Combat the ABOMINATION 6/13
248  Defeat the mutated ABOMINATION 10/
285  You destroy the horrible stone altar				Sk+1 Lu+2
 24  Go over to the farmer in the market area
143  Go with Tom to help defend his farm
156  Combat each SKELETON 7/6 at your entrance				At+1 St+4
193  Use Banish Undead on remaining Skeletons
117  You destroy all the Skeletons
129  You have successfully defended the family
102  You make your farewells and leave		3 Provisions		Lu+1
187  Board the burly man's barge to Axmoor	-2 GP
389  Dive into the river and haul the boy out
160  Grumont cannot thank you enough		2 GP
317  Accept Venghul's offer to see your future
236  You all retire for the night		[Pyramid of Bone]	St+2
381  Stand and fight the flailing tentacles
 62  Kill the TENTACLES 9/8
 40  The barge speeds away down the river
130  Enter the repulsive edifice's massive door
141  Gain access via the hole in the ground
 73  Descend the semi-organic tube
186  You inhale the choking stinging gas				Lu-1
245  You feel your body start to fall
346  Use Meditation in the slimy dungeon
133  Press your Cross against the living wall	[Cross, heart]		St+1 Lu+1
 80  The tendrils thrash about in pain
263  Fight both DEMONIC SERVANT guards
     8/7 7/7 together
280  Continue along the wide corridor		Keys
101  Enter the tremendous wave of heat
254  Attack DEMONIC SERVANT 6/7 at the controls
309  You understand the Demonic script
377  Turn the Red Dial				[Feed, Drain, Additive]
213  Escape back the way you came
272  Climb up the ladder to a wooden hatch
364  Turn right and open the unguarded door
323  Free the captives from the living furnace
352  Destroy the DEMONIC SERVANT 6/7
233  Quickly try to destroy the worm-furnace
356  Throw Holy Water into the fleshy orifice
164  The mouth explodes and is sealed forever	-Holy Water
191  You resist the black aura of corruption
 69  Shatter the Death-Stone with Akkarra
 59  You utter the seven fatal words		-Holy Water
287  Follow the road north past the raft				iSk+1 iLu+2
229  Climb a tree and hide from the wagon
274  Jump down to free the dozen captives
354  You leap and manage to stay on your feet				Lu-1
147  The prisoners tell you of Dunningham
240  Talk to the strange-looking woman
347  Her advice contains both truth and lies
 74  Walk towards the uncouth laughter		[Crakanat, right balance]
183  Distract the Orcs by throwing coins
194  You throw a handful of Gold Pieces		-GP
340  Your ploy works
276  You leave the Orcs behind
313  Give the watchtower guard a password
242  Say "Crakanat"
209  Look in the wooden barrels
203  Search the pile of Orcish clothing
128  Climb up the ladder to a trapdoor		Cloak, helmet
157  You are disguised as an Orc
170  You climb up another ladder to Old Beady	Lantern
253  Pour lantern oil over the Baleful Eye
 82  You escape from the fire down the rope	-Lantern
224  Run from the ruins to the Pond
344  Go beyond a Temple to the Courthouse	-Cloak, -helmet
 66  Descend the steps hidden by cobwebs
358  Tip the balanced scales to the left
 29  A blue light fills your body with energy				Lu+
184  Enter the wood-paneled hallway
288  Go through the door marked with a sword
267  Persuade the Sorcerer that he is wrong				St+4
237  Use Meditation to feel an aura of power
297  The Sorcerer beckons you to follow him
348  You find your way through a forest		Demon-Slaying sword	At+4
245  Protect yourself with Holy Circle
 96  The huge Demon screams in pain and rage
 98  Rub out the sigil and enter the tower
266  You enter a corridor with Demon paintings
195  Step over the glowing writing on the floor
292  Open the door with the clattering sound
392  Listen to the Demonic Pandemonium music
 14  Speak to Branner the priest at the funeral
218  He hands you the ring from his finger	Branner's ring
199  Enter the silent room
 68  Go through the west door from the red room
 47  Open the north door from the orange room
379  Enter the east door from the yellow room
124  Go in the north door from the green room
363  Climb the spiral staircase upwards
 56  Destroy the Skeleton with Banish Undead
  6  Attack the protected Skeleton
329  Defeat the HORNED SKELETON 8/14
226  Pass through the mirror pane
398  Fight MYURR 14/25, destroy the pyramid	-Holy Water		At+4
273  Myurr attempts to corrupt you with hate
163  The bone pyramid explodes outward
400  You have saved the world of Titan		Parents