Fangs of Fury

This is not the shortest or easiest path; it is more gratifying to face difficult situations and barely succeed. Rather than minimizing risk, this solution includes as many interesting parts as possible, while avoiding sections that are blatantly harmful or provide no useful information. You may need high initial scores; this path assumes favorable dice rolls.
						Sword, leather armor,
						backpack, Bracelet,
						10 Provisions, Potion of Fortune,
						10 GP, Torch, 4 Black Cubes
  1  Climb the pile of rubble in the darkness
118  Tell the Goblin you don't have a regiment
289  Fight the two large rough types
318  Fight each IRREGULAR 6/8 7/8, run straight
 24  Follow a group trotting towards the beach				Lu+1
 70  Continue with the group to the tower				St-1
386  Whisper at the prisoner to shut up
252  A Goblin takes you for interrogation
151  Go over to the smiling bald-headed man	-Sword, {1 Citadel Wall}
308  Trust him and say you have the Torch
263  Head for a group of resting infantry	[Six White Cubes, XEN], sword
189  A Goblin sergeant grabs you
101  Refuse to give the Irregulars your gold
148  Fight each KNUCLER 5/8 6/7
218  Help the Zamarran Knight Peric of Innac
153  Attack the GOBLIN IRREGULAR 6/6		-Sword, -backpack	St-2
286  Engage a Goblin heading your way		{White Cubes}, sword
382  Attack the GOBLIN EXECUTIONER 5/5		Backpack
203  Look at the woman's drawing in the dirt				St+6
161  You memorize the three figures
277  Clamber down the cliffs to the sandy cove	{2 Citadel Walls}
 15  Accept the ancient seafarer's offer
240  Sit in the boat and wait patiently		-3 GP, [Gargu-Ran]
 90  Put effort into landing to the north-west	{3 Citadel Walls}
188  Run from the gang into a door to the left				St-2
179  Refuse the old salt's offer and leave
108  Stand in the right line of soldiers
394  Stay the Goblin's hand from the prisoner
139  Fight the GOBLIN GUARD 5/5
283  Ignore the strange bald man with an axe
 80  You scamper off into cover
111  Go into the emaciated man's stone hut	{4 Citadel Walls}
331  Bide your time to find an opportunity	[Water]			St-2
205  Leap in the small pool of water
293  Fight each ORC 6/5 6/6
156  Run down the spiral staircase		{White Cubes}
380  Kill each WOLF 7/6 8/8, open the left door
 69  Leave the den and enter the other door	Wand
202  Flick through the Spy Expenses ledger
254  Defeat the DOUBLE-HEADED DEVIL 7/10	[Snuffserk]
351  The Wizard Astragal will protect you	{5 Citadel Walls}
271  Head across the grassy field to the river
 20  Hire Skiff and Sprig's boat to go upriver	-1 GP			St+2
208  Go quietly without a struggle		{White Cubes}		St- Lu-1
 50  Give the Giant a location for Djakk
186  Race towards the front of the cave		GP
272  Run through the fire at the entrance
166  Go north towards the flat plain		-1 Black Cube
282  You continue towards a small village	{6 Citadel Walls}
  3  Help the little girl pick up the rice				St+4
182  Stay to see that the girl is all right	{White Cubes}
287  Follow the elderly monk
102  Achieve Awareness of your Being					St-
247  You concentrate on the symbols		[Talin Alphabet], 6 Black Cubes
164  Take the road that may be Salik's Way
172  Refuse to give the rogues your valuables
 78  You hack at the chains with your sword	{White Cubes}
190  The war-chariot wheels break the chains				Lu-1
303  Follow the Dwarf to the camp's center
 26  Do not pay	the mercenaries for the rescue	{White Cubes}
 84  Kill each FANGTIGER 5/9 6/8
348  You leap through the flames unharmed	-1 Black Cube		St+2
121  Buy one of the Tinker's curly wires	{7 Citadel Walls}
155  He says you won't regret it		-10 GP, wire [18]
257  Continue on the fast road past the bridge
376  Rush to the broken cart to save the girl	{White Cubes}
163  You agree to accompany her to the Bastion				Lu+2
 64  She leads you through the flame wall				Lu-1
119  The Wazarri know you as the Torchbearer
315  Sit on the chair right of the throne
389  You study the sacred parchment		{White Cubes},		Sk+1 St+6
						[Homrath Caves, Key]
194  Carry on over the flat-topped mountain				St-4
 99  Climb the vast outcrop of rock
368  Stop to rest in the cave half-way up				St-
 44  Kill the BLACK FEELER BEAST 6/6		{8 Citadel Walls}	St+2
261  The rock you are on does not fall					Lu-1
385  You survey the mountain landscape
 36  You hear the sound of large wings flapping
304  Slay each DRAGONMAN 7/7 7/8 8/9					At-1
220  Run away from Snuffserk as fast as you can
129  Dive to the left into a hole					St-2
262  Take Exit 1 past the skull and cross-bones
107  Take Exit 1 past the triangle blocks	{Weight 10}, Triangle block #15
162  Cut down the hanging key			[Do not pull]
183  Take Exit 1 from the cave			Key
201  Take Exit 4 past the mushroom blocks	{Weight 20}, Mushroom block #50
366  Take Exit 1 past the circle blocks		{Weight 30}, Circle block #27
 76  Take Exit 4 past the inscription		[Lock eighteen]
395  Take Exit 4 past the cross blocks		{9 Citadel Walls, Weight 40}, Cross block #39
245  Take Exit 3 past the crescent moon blocks	{Weight 50}, Crescent Moon block #75
187  Take Exit 2 past the chalk marks		[Yorlak was here]
135  Take Exit 4 past the cube blocks		{Weight 60}, Cube block #22
 40  Take Exit 3 from the empty chamber
349  Take Exit 3 past the phials
 55* Place the blocks in the six square holes	{Weight 0}, -blocks
228  Take the left path into the volcano
383  Go left in the smoky tunnel		[Stay left]
274  Climb down the sheer drop			{11 Citadel Walls}
364  Carry on past the dead smiling monks				St-2
336  A small pedestal rises out of the floor	6 Black Cubes
246  Fight the MAGE WARRIOR 8/10 with the Wand
 39  You have knowledge of many White Cubes
396  Combat each MAGE WARRIOR 9/10 8/10 8/11	Black Cubes		Sk+ St+ Lu+
231  Follow the tunnel on the left
168  Cross the sheets of fire, turn right	-4 Black Cubes
393  Attack JAXARTES 9/12, go left
375  Grab the scrap of burning parchment
235  You read the strange ciphers and continue	-1 Black Cube, [Eighteen]
381* Try the key in lock 18
 18  You plunge the Torch into the Flame	-Torch
273  Jaxartes is consumed by the white-hot fire
 91  Your deeds will be celebrated for ages
400  You have succeeded in your mission		-Bracelet, jeweled bracelet, white horse