Phantoms of Fear
This is not the shortest or easiest path; it is more gratifying to face difficult situations and barely succeed. Rather than minimizing risk, this solution includes as many interesting parts as possible, while avoiding sections that are blatantly harmful or provide no useful information. You may need high initial scores; this path assumes favorable dice rolls.
Telessa, leather armor,
Potion of Fortune
1 Proceed towards the health of Affen forest
306 You stand in a ring of six elder trees Pw+1
380 Head west through the familiar forest
344 Seek the company of the indistinct voices
387 Step through the trees into the clearing
59 Tell the six travelers of your mission Pw+1
209 They tell you of traps marked by saplings
298 The animals have been harvesting food
50 You are able to find some Provisions Provisions
376 Fight the WILD BOAR 6/5 Boar tusks
326 Walk past with the sapling to your right
265 Spend the night in a mighty oak's branches
198 Do not struggle free from the Tree Devil
289 Sharpened twigs pierce your eyes
49 The dream abruptly changes
144 Start walking on the featureless plain
91 Stay where you are in the eye of the storm
164 The eye is formed by wind, water and fire Pw+2
253 Go back to sleep
341 You must get on with your mission
172 Take a north-west direction
150 Continue through the valley
282 Approach the vast pile of bones
101 Ask the stag statues for a gift
28 You thank them and proceed up the valley Antler-horn [12] Lu+1
383 Search for a suitable large cave Lu+1
181 Spend the night in the recently used cave
357 You dream of a ring formed by six pools Pw+2
319 Explore the narrow tunnel into darkness
35 Risk exploring it without foreknowledge
279 Carry on ahead to the dim glow
124 Examine the trapped skeleton
295 Avoid any contact with the boulder
110 Carry on across the small cavern
61 You look out over the blighted forest
386 Stay where you are observing the scene
373 You are struck while breathing out Lu-1
175 None of the evil blast entered your lungs
57 You will enter a region of unknown terrors
239 Bathe in the clear pool
199 You rest in the sun and drift off to sleep St+2 Lu+2
160 You spurn the temptation of the fairy folk
31 You step into Ishtra's cruel kingdom Elder branch [22]
259 Walk around the patch of bare ground
191 Hack through the ROOTS 6/12
6 Follow the trail across the soggy ground
69 Go into the fenced-off area
122 Crawl through the prickly holly bushes
277 You receive no scratches Lu-1
206 Watch the ramshackle hut for a while
47 Throw your sword away from you
375 Bide your time with the insane Wild Man -Telessa
301 You pierce the veil of madness in his mind
152 Spend the night in his humble abode Telessa, amber cube #20
86 Defeat the TREE /16
23 The Wild Man introduces himself Pw+1
215 Accept his company
183 Morpheus must be weakened, not killed Eric Rune-axe Lu+2
89 Do not investigate the peaceful deer
146 Eric takes on three of the raiding party
323 Fight each warped DARK ELF 8/6 7/6 7/8
19 Fight both DARK ELVES 8/7 5/4 together -Eric Rune-axe
392 You step through the Gate of Ivory Disguise Lu+2
350 The dream world and real world overlap [* -20, # +50]
362 Take the path to your right
151 Go over to the pile of ancient bones
27 These warrens were once home to heroes Lu+1
84* Flip from the tunnels to the dream world
64 Follow a wide river which runs north
365 Carry on past the silver tower
192 Fight the serpentine tiger
40 The peaceful village recedes away Pw+1
231 Obey the unspoken voice
371 You are sucked back through a vortex
331 Explore the tranquil garden
139* Flip from Galana to the real world Lu+1 Pw+1
189 Kill the groggy ORC GUARD 7/6
92 Lock the door behind you Key, wooden bowl #9
63 You carry on north -Key Lu+1
274 Go in the narrow tunnel straight ahead
143 You are not carrying a two-handed axe
381 Turn west in the well-lit passage
348 Kill the CHAOTIC ORC 7/6, go left
90 Go along the passage leading east
179* Flip to the dream world at the crossroads Lu-1
159 The huge Drake will obey your commands
260 Ask it to take you to more Power
46 Defeat the HOATZIN /12
340 You gain some Power for your victory Pw+1
361 Walk left along the smoking river
238* Flip from the beach to the real world
288 There is a smell of fear in the air
188 Go straight ahead past the "DANGER" sign
21 You manage to resist the petrifying wail
102 Fight the BANSHEE 9/8, search the cavern
195 Walk along the eastward passage Crystal ball #30
388 Turn right past the Troglodytes
123 Open the imposing double doors
176 Say you are on your way to the kitchen
299 Head straight ahead past the squad leader
269 Enter the steamy kitchen
113 Fight the COOK 6/10
379 You leave the dining-hall and return north Lu+1
310 Try a numbered door
55 Eat some food and try another door St+4
33 Walk on up the corridor Lump of ice [33]
217 Turn left to the feeling of terrible doom
73* Flip to the dream world in the evil aura
53 Combat the HARPY /10 then Pw-1
the CLAWBEAST /12 then Pw-1
the WRAITH /14 Pw-1
364 Battle MORPHEUS 8/20, stop fighting
250 Face Ishtra in the real world Pw+
346* You have acquired some numbered artifacts
126 Arrange the objects opposite in a circle
173 The goat-headed crocodile shrieks in agony
234 The Demon Prince's spirit is banished -Antler-horn, -crystal ball #30,
-elder branch, -amber cube #20,
-lump of ice, -wooden bowl #9
400 You have rid Titan of Ishtra