Star Strider

This is not the shortest or easiest path; it is more gratifying to face difficult situations and barely succeed. Rather than minimizing risk, this solution includes as many interesting parts as possible, while avoiding sections that are blatantly harmful or provide no useful information. You may need high initial scores; this path assumes favorable dice rolls.
						Catchman, Chronograph,
						credit card
  1  Have food cubes in the shuttle
203  You will need all your energy					St+1
 39  Talk to the Sweepertron looking at you
357  It gives information and self-destructs	[ComTerms]
 72  Go along with the two GromPol Androids	{Time 46}
119  Refuse to speak to the Grom commander
 54  You are allowed back on the bus
219  The bus hurtles along the old highway	{Time 44}
159  Chase the escaped prisoner
299  You whip out your Catchman on LOPSTI 6/8
121  Chat with the man wearing a "Julio" shirt
232  He tells you of the Houlgans gang		[Jose 90]		St-1 Lu+1
 22  Eventually you reach Madrid
179  You head towards the Silverhound terminal
235  Follow the Android				{Time 42}
152  Approach the group of Houlgans
 29  Refuse to give them any credits
287* You know the leader's name
360  Jose relaxes and suggests something to eat
132  You all enter the bar and order food				St+3
315  Get access to the Plaza de Toros
286  Attack the criminal as a Rogue Tracer
 74  Take on the ROGUE 8/8 unarmed					Lu+1
114  Run towards the end of the damp tunnel	{Time 40}
289  You slide to the bottom of a shaft					Lu-1
351  You trip and fall headfirst into a puddle
337  You walk to a ladder leading up
 25  You rest for several minutes		{Time 38}
209  You step out and look around
342  Dodge left to the nearest shelter
111  Rush to the left shelter			Neuronsplat spears
378  Fight the BULL ANDROID 7/6			{Time 36}, -spears	Weak spot
 88  Take the other marked door
383  Fight the ADMIN ANDROID 5/6					Weak spot
311* Key in the missing number on the ComTerm
 33* Supply the correct answer
282  You rush back to the exit			{Time 34}, [circle+line, 169A]
194  Alarm lights are flashing			{Oxygen 20}
 51  Go left from Red room			{Oxygen 19}
 97  Take the right door down from Yellow room	{Oxygen 18}
146  Go down from Violet room			{Oxygen 17}
377  Take the door leading out from Gray room	{Oxygen 16}
310  You make your way to the bus terminal				Lu+2
 80  You take your seat and try to rest		{Time 32}
 45  Hurry on in your search in Roma					St+6
142  Approach the Android carrying a parcel	{Time 30}
198  Travel to the salt-mines
108  You'll need a serviceable ZipCar		ZipCar
224  Fight the unusual GromPol craft
143  Combat the BANDIT ZIPCAR 7/8
302  Run for the ZipCar				[London, 169A]
258  Risk pressing the Thruster button		{Time 28}
 89  Glide right
234  You set down and skid to a halt					Lu+2
279  Set a course for Paris						St+4
 78  Two GromPol Androids arrest you		{Time 26}, -ZipCar
314  Go quietly
168  Risk going in the Communications room
 10  You are promptly grabbed by two Excels	[Earth Sector North, 824B]
322  Say nothing in the dark room
249  You wake up chained in a dismal room
 47  Choose the knight door
166  Duel the ONE-ARMED EXCEL 4/4					Lu+2, Weak spot
328  Go into the open warehouse
365  Take the right door ahead
290  You break loose from the headless Excel
348  Go to the Silverhound terminal		{Time 24}
134  Go back to the other transport craft
239  You stow away and fall asleep					St+6
208  Jump on the sophisticated speedboard				Lu+4
274  Travel flat out				Speedboard, neutronsword
253  You just make it through the metal doors				Lu-1
 85  Exit west					{Time 22}
 53  You are in a chamber						Lu-1
395  Exit north-east				{Time 20}
  2  Exit the empty chamber north-east
  7  Rest and exit north-east			{Time 15}		St+4
 21  Go north-east past the modern tunnel
 62  Go north-east past the crates		{Time 13}
318  Exit north past the knight door
353  Exit east at the tunnel divide		{Time 11}
 37  Exit east past the unmarked door
116  You are in a chamber						Lu-1
336  Exit south					{Time 9}
326  You are enveloped in a prehistoric forest				Lu-1
180  Hack through the undergrowth on Heading B	-Speedboard
220  You watch your step past the fiery furnace
278  You carry the President into a tunnel	Galactic President	St-4
 24  Try the very old-fashioned elevator
307  There is a lot of creaking and shuddering
338  You climb to the top of the concrete tower
263  Fire a missile at the winged creature	-Galactic President
155  You speed off to the mother ship
400  You have succeeded in your mission		Iridium AmEx Credit Card