Rebel Planet
This is not the shortest or easiest path; it is more gratifying to face difficult situations and barely succeed. Rather than minimizing risk, this solution includes as many interesting parts as possible, while avoiding sections that are blatantly harmful or provide no useful information. You may need high initial scores; this path assumes favorable dice rolls.
Laser sword,
anti-grav pack,
2,000 credits
1 Continue on your way to Tropos
398 You pass Customs and leave the spaceport
299 Take the taxi to the hostel [Bellatrix]
196 Draw the receptionist's attention
188 Wait for a response
29 Strike up conversation with the sad man
354 Stay with him to calm him down
136 Attack the GUARD 6/8 St-
268 Go with the man
394 Enter the house with Grus [Temple of the Five Suns]
229 You struggle and succeed in getting free -Laser sword
113 Fight GRUS 5/8 INDUS 6/8 together unarmed
9 Stop and search the house Laser sword
117 You decide not to stay long 500 Cr, bracelet, scanner
132 You are hungry and go into a grocer's shop St-2
152 Ask him the way to the Fission Chips -20 Cr St+4
335 You go to the hardware shop next door
382* The club is never eclipsed on its south -650 Cr, personal massage robot
5 You can easily find your way
204 Tell the doorman "I'm from Earth"
326 Submit to the search -250 Cr, membership card
358 The doorman soon finds your sword
37 Ask the barman where the visiphone is -10 Cr
81 You did not try to catch a taxi here
311 You collapse and tumble down a chute
207 Ask for proof of the rebels' identity -Laser sword, St-2
-anti-grav pack
105 You are convinced this is the right place
168 Do not agree to kill the barman
274 You need more proof he is a double agent
343 All your equipment is returned to you [ONE O ONE], Lu+2
laser sword, anti-grav pack
25 You sleep and return to the spaceport St+2
213 You did not let an Arcadian guard escape
318 You reach the Customs checkpoint -Membership card
33 You have an infra-red scanner
339 You persuade the officer it is harmless
374 You relax during your journey to Radix -Bracelet, -scanner St+
47 Stay at Porky's Palace
101 Ask Porky about Radix in general -50 Cr St+2
77 Wait outside the university for a while Lu+1
178 Browse the archaeology museum by yourself
111 Ask the watchman what is through the door
356 Accept his offer to show you around
392 You look around the cellar for a while
215 Fight the WATCHMAN 7/8 Baryon grenade
320 Take the right-hand passage Keys
257 Go north in another cellar
142 Turn east
333 Turn north in the dusty passage
277 You raid a show-case and turn back Soviet-Brazilian coins
346 Take the passage heading south
62 Head south towards dripping water
154 You quickly find the hatch key
50 You lose yourself in the university
146 Go to the Science Floor
266 Keep quiet in the group of students
11 Do not confide in Mehita
202 Go to the Arts Floor
258 You do not have an introduction
76 Wait for a bit
244 Fight both LOUTS 6/8 5/6 together unarmed
337 Go to the University Secretary's office St+3
214 Fight so you can investigate the files
107 Assault the ARCADIAN SECRETARY 7/8 At+1 Lu-1
15 No guard passes by to hear the noise
66 Take the computer disks away with you
316 You leave and must find a computer Computer disks
235 Get off the monorail at the next station
162 You duck down and lose yourself in shadows Lu-1
183 You follow side-streets to your hotel
285 You have a baryon grenade
388 It explodes destroying the killer robot -Baryon grenade Lu-1
63 You make your way back to your hotel
309 You need to find a computer
158 You are at Porky's Palace
3 Offer Porky a personal massage robot -Personal massage robot
119 You did not kill Porky for information [Zacharias]
74 You ring Professor Zacharias at home [11 am] Lu+1
134 You have an appointment in the morning St+4
376 You find a clue and are arrested [First century 2100-2200],
-laser sword, -anti-grav pack
43 Tell the police about the underground
345 Go through the left-hand door
397 Stay by the door
4 Kill the RADICIAN SPIDER 5/6 unarmed St+1
71 Wait to see what may happen
301 You must try your skill at the arena Lu+1
349 Let the guard lead you away St+3
231 He opens the door and urges you through [Scabrok 262], Lu+1
laser sword
313 Battle the LAPHODORM 7/12
106* You know the Scabrok's weakness
262 You distract it and hit a vulnerable spot Lu-1
341 Fight the SCABROK 7/12
54 You may return to your ship -Laser sword
191 Investigate the agricultural station Anti-grav pack Sk-1 St+
173 Ask someone in a blue uniform
102 Ask the technician how to get a pass [North-east]
38 Go with him to someone who can help
399 Allow him to knock on the door
145 You did not kill a human on the way here
187 Ask the heavy-jowled man for a sword
286 Pay the exorbitant price -1,000 Cr, laser sword
84 Fight the BLACK MARKETEER 6/10
112 You only have time to grab a jet pack
253 You decide to leave the spaceport Jet pack
336 You have a jet pack
128 Risk using it to propel you over the fence
57 Your fall to the ground only winds you Lu-1
359 You discard the now useless equipment -Jet pack
30 Go east from the spaceport
245 Enter the left-hand cave by a cactus
294 You narrowly miss impaling yourself Lu-1
193 You enter the gloom of the cave
100 You do not have any food
73 In the morning follow the left branch St+1
171 Investigate the large bird further St+1
383 Jump onto the ledge to fight it
298 Kill the ROCKBUZZARD 6/8
40 Insert your hand into the right fissure
355 Climb back down the path to continue 180 Cr, staff, mind-probe
10 You are carrying a staff
49 You were not bitten by a Saw-toothed Rat
232 You make it down without difficulty Lu-1
147 Take the branch to the left
108 Run away from the alien shadow
120 Try to talk back to it
195 See if it wants the strange staff
267 The staff is not broken -Staff
308 Ask if it knows the man you are seeking
377 The alien calls out "The bitter sea" [Dorado -100] Lu+2
114 Approach the humans in the fields
22 Try to break through the circle of fire
216 Your speed carries you through the danger Lu-1
323 Sprint for the rocks St-2
259 The silver craft explodes above you Lu-1
228 The shock-wave knocks you unconscious St-2
46 Send Mizar away to defend the pass
255* Identify yourself to Dorado
155 You thank him and race off [Palindrome], food, St+4 Lu+1
gray uniform
163 Use the gray uniform as a disguise -Food
344 Say you have been taking provisions out
220 You make your way to your spaceship -Gray uniform
78 Throw open your cabin door Sk+1 St+
350 Invite the startled Arcadian in
230 Admit that Musca is with you Lu+1
361 Tell the Arcadian that you know everything
167 You have thrown down the gauntlet
126 Do not attempt to escape
387 Allow the experiment to continue
116 You will be linked directly to his brain
300 Clear your mind
141 You become calm and fearless Sk+1
55 Defeat the SPHINX 8/8
251 Carry on past the computer screen
375 Fight the DRAGON COMET 8/12
159 Do not take the Minarong crystal
391 Defeat the VAMPIRE LEECH 8/10
269 Leave the room full of machinery
94 Order the Arcadian to free you Sk-1
65 Tell him to hurry up
241 He collapses and you wait for a robot
278 You put the Arcadian in your place St+2
292 You are now approaching Arcadion [Arsenal 110] Lu+2
118 You quickly get through the spaceport
185 Go straight to the computer building
219* Enter the code "100101001"
297 Go down to the basement first
169* You know the arsenal code
110 You have time to take two items Elmonite explosive, photon grenade
348 Use the grenade against the patrol
86 You duck down to avoid the blast -Photon grenade
381 Use the elmonite on the computers
395 Break the elmonite into three pieces
222 A muffled explosion sounds behind you -Elmonite explosive
400 The Arcadian Empire is finished