Shadow of the Giants
This is not the shortest or easiest path; it is more gratifying to face difficult situations and barely succeed. Rather than minimizing risk, this solution includes as many interesting parts as possible, while avoiding sections that are blatantly harmful or provide no useful information. You may need high initial scores; this path assumes favorable dice rolls.
Broken sword, map,
backpack, Potion of Luck
10 Provisions, 50 GP
1 Ask Amaric if he knows Dunbar Lapp
84 Buy a new sword from the armorer -10 GP, -broken sword, Vampire Sword
297 You thank Dunbar for his help -2 GP, dagger
381 Accept the arm wrestling challenge
311 The crowd shouts as you win the contest
29 The Dwarf's friends toast your victory 2 GP
340 Hire Higgly's treasure-hunting services
128 Visit Mystic Mary the soothsayer -4 GP, Higgly
247 Put one Gold Piece in her money box
112 You memorize the rhyme and leave Anvil -1 GP, [Green dragon eyes]
191 Walk on inside Firetop Mountain
49 Press the emerald eye of the dragon chest
327 Let Higgly try on the iron crown
166 You manage to avoid the Giant's huge sword
146 Talk to the old man asleep in a rowboat [Marik Om-Yash], Lu-1
-Higgly, Crown of Chaos
215 Cough loudly and draw your sword
92 Attack him
176 Fight the WERERAT 8/5
104 Continue walking along the riverbank 2 GP, gold key #3 Lu+1
58 Knock on the door of the old log cabin
388 Knock on the door again
121 Ask if you can buy one of the man's horses
348 Tell Hogget you are headed to Hamelin
34 Ask him if he has heard of Marik Om-Yash
333 Tell Hogget about the Iron Giants
262 The fate of Allansia is in your hands Silver dragon medallion
344 Help the man tied to an old oak tree Horse
220 You bid him farewell and gallop off Wooden clover
134 Give Rosa your horse to cross the river
195 Look at the weathered gravestones -Horse
189 Examine the vine-covered tomb [Velma Om-Yash 43]
86 Defeat the WRAITH 10/8 At+2
159 Open the stone sarcophagus
365 Take the sword from the skeleton
67 Take the leather pouch -Vampire Sword, Dragon Sword
100 Open the pouch
171 Walk straight into Hamelin 3 skulls, 3 engraved bones
26 Pay Binny Brogan for a tour of Hamelin
125 Enter the pie-eating contest -1 GP
320 The angry Barbarian is disqualified Lu-1
143 You get a good night's rest St+4
364 Ask the two odd-looking fellows a question
37 Ask if they know where Marik Om-Yash lives
324 Faye Bibble the florist might know [Blue orchids]
164 Accept the face-slapping challenge
94 Call the coin in the air heads -1 GP
55 You smack the Ogre as hard as you can
378 You shake hands and look around the fair 5 GP, Ring of Strength Sk+1 St+2
252 Look at the vendors' stalls
317 Buy medicines from Honest Jon -8 GP, Bat Balm, Spider Oil,
Fever-Free Tonic, Goblin Earwax
209 Sell a gold key to the singing salesman
346 You have a numbered key to sell
231 Demand 30 Gold Pieces for the key
102 You walk on to the next stall 30 GP, -gold key #3
119 Wait for the florist to return
308 Buy some blue orchids
363 Ask Faye if she knows Marik Om-Yash -4 GP, blue orchids
185 You thank her for the information [Dead End Alley ladder]
141 Leave the fair via Brass Street
330 Refuse to give the Trolls your gold
51 Fight BONEHEAD 8/6 TOADY 6/5 WEEZLE 7/4
367 Tell the man you were defending yourself
148 You hurry on up the street 3 gold necklaces
386 Turn right into Brick Lane
10 Examine the items on the young lad's tray
245 Decide which five items to buy -2 GP, iron key, leather gloves,
picklock, copper ring, empty bottle
43 Enter the abandoned warehouse
114 Fight each GIANT RAT 5/4 5/5 5/5
371 Luckily the rats are not plague bearers Lu-1
289 Go down to the musty-smelling cellar
250 Wade through the filthy water to the steps
107 You have a dagger
78 You hack the bloodsucker from your leg St-1
239 You have an iron key
350 Take the amulet from the glass Dragon
71 Draw your sword to fight
7 Destroy the EMERALD DRAGON 9/8
167 You leave and go back to the warehouse Gold snake amulet
95 Reach down into the black water
225 You climb up the steps to leave 6 GP Lu+1
172 You turn right into Silver Street
213 Take the shiny brass lamp
291 Put the lamp in your backpack
334 You carry on along the street Magic lamp [Twixle]
376 Enter the Illusionist shop
261 Attack the undead creature with your sword
56 Buy some of the magic items -5 GP, Potion of Healing,
Ring of the Zombies
390 You leave and walk up the street
202 Go in the dusty junk shop
19 Rummage around and buy the helmet
35 The helmet will protect you in battle -5 GP, helmet At+1
278 Turn right into Back Alley
380 Drink from the rusty iron spout
298 Swap your boots for the worn out boots St+2
151 You feel fleet of foot and run back Elven Boots Lu+1
259 You leap over the barrels rolling downhill
23 Go left down Dead End Alley
263 Climb up the ladder
208 Climb over the wall and knock on the door
309 Tell the man Hogget told you to come
273 You are wearing a silver dragon medallion
64 Ask Marik about the Gorgon's tomb [Rust Beetles]
316 You should look for the Koder Stone [Shadowed cave]
222 You feel inspired and hurry back Lu+2
103 Help the frail old lady
179 Drink the Spider Oil
52 Fight the SPIDER HAG 7/6 -Spider Oil At+1
294 You search and continue walking downhill 4 GP, black silk handkerchief,
silver hairpin, Ring of Entanglement
59 Speak to the man shouting at the crowd
190 You sense somebody opening your backpack Lu-1
304 Speak to the cursing and muttering man
83 Tell Goose the Ranger about the Giants
249 Invite him to join your quest
353 Draw your sword to fight the Pixies Goose
321 Sit on the throne of a Stone Golem Lu+1
339 You send a pebble flying harmlessly Sk+1 St+3 Lu-1
140 You set off again full of energy
11 Enter the cave on your left St-2
216 Fight the LICH 8/6 At+1
312 Try on the gold ring
192 A surge of energy makes you tremble Ring of Healing Sk+1 St+4 Lu+1
395 Turn back and go inside the other cave
54 You pass the twitching corpse of the Lich
368 You escape from the Vampire Bats Torch
115 You set off down a narrow twisting tunnel
256 Miraculously none of the darts hit you Lu-1
13 You walk on past the tripwire
194 Follow the left-hand tunnel
236 You are wearing Elven Boots
40 Cross the junction and walk straight on Lu+1
314 Stand your ground and face the howling
149 You have a jar of Goblin Earwax
345 Fight the SCREAMING DEMON 10/6 -Goblin Earwax At+1
267 Sit on the Demon's carved throne
370 Stay seated on the revolving throne
389* You know the number to say Polished shield At+1
15 You climb through a shimmering white light
276 You are wearing a Ring of the Zombies
66 The leading Zombie crashes to the ground Lu-1
282 Open the iron-barred door
383 You do not have a gold key
288 Give your picklock to Goose
326 You hear a sharp click as the lock turns -Picklock
131 Battle COBRAX 10/10 with Goose At+2
57 You are relieved not to have been bitten 50 GP Lu+1
198 You hear the voice of Twixle helping you
379 Attack the GORGON 10/10 At+2
201 You finish her off with one mighty blow [18 snakes]
332 The sarcophagus slides to one side Rust Beetles, gold idol
44 Tiptoe around the golden gate
272 You slip unnoticed through the doorway
91 Help Goose climb out of the pit
32 Touch the glass orb
264 Answer the skull with your own name
188* You know how many snakes there were
18 You are free to go
323 You are relieved to be in the open again -Torch
292 You attach a Rust Beetle to the Giant St+2
142 You avoid being grabbed by the Giant Lu-1
105 Go to Goose's aid
349 You have a Potion of Healing
96 Beetles are attached to all the Giants -Potion of Healing
174 You wield your Dragon Sword to attack
258 The blow has a devastating effect
227 Your sword cuts through the iron limb
196 Your heavy blow severs its foot entirely Lu+2
347 You are wearing a Ring of Entanglement
116 Thrust your blade into the larger hole
274 Your sword strikes its iron heart
226 You find Goose has not broken any bones Lu-1
254 All four Iron Giants have been toppled
400 Allansia is safe and you have a fortune 200 GP