Fighting Fantasy Artwork

Above Yaztromo's Tower
Anakendis Zombie
The Black Tower
Brain Slayer
Caarth Scouting Party
Chadda Darkmane in Blacksand
Firetop Mountain Entrance
House of Hell
Into Hellsgate Keep
Kharé - Cityport of Traps
Lizard King Summon
Replicanth Production-line
The Siege of Carsepolis
Skeletal Tyrannosaurus
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Women of Dree
Krall's Downfall
Demon Across Table
Hatred Overturned
This Open Throne
Evil Spiders Mating
Mist Of Mirrored Wood
Into The Insect Maze
Blast The Door Aside
Casket Mirrors Face
Twist In Flight
Kissed And Heaven Sent
Hissed At Paper Shields
Darkness Reflects The Pit